Sunday, 31 January 2016

Weekly Life Update | Blogging, Broke and All The Bright Places

Hi everyone!

I'm currently sat here eating a bar of smarties chocolate to make up for the fact that I haven't been very well for a few days (any excuse). Here I am again with my weekly life update and there's a few things I want to share with you lovely lot today.

The first thing I'm gonna start off with is about sharing my blog with my friends and family. I'm a bit weird when it comes to my blog.. I'm so proud of what I've created so far and it's something I want to share with the world! But when it comes to my friends, family or people I know seeing it I start to get really anxious and paranoid. I am not in any way embarrassed by my blog, but I always think that they're going to judge me or make fun of me when in reality that's probably the opposite of what they'd do. I can't wait for they day that they know about my blog, but in the meantime I'm going to keep working on it and make it the best it could possibly be!

The second thing I'd like to share with all of you is how broke I am at the minute! And this really isn't going down too well with my make up addiction. I only got paid last week, but with my boyfriends birthday coming up and saving up for our holiday, I haven't got much left over to spend on myself. (I'm crying real tears) I have literally been torturing myself over the weekend looking on every possible make up website, adding EVERYTHING to my basket and breaking my own heart when I have to close it down. I need to find a new way to make money because my part time job on the side of college just doesn't seem to be enough these days! I've been looking to sell some of my old stuff, but I haven't really got anything worth selling. So here I am, still broke. And if I post any hauls in the next couple of weeks please shout at me for spending money that I don't have.

Speaking of selling stuff, I've been selling my old dance costumes. I didn't realise how hard this would be but I feel like I'm letting go of a massive part of my life. I went through every costume and thought about the amazing memories I had wearing each one and it was actually really upsetting. Of course, I kept a few because I physically can't let go of all of them! It makes me sad just thinking about it.

My boyfriend finally finished his 3 week job in London and luckily I didn't have work so we got to spend the weekend together. At first, we were going to go out somewhere and do something nice. Instead, because we are both extremely lazy, we took a trip to ASDA, bought lots of chocolate and popcorn and had a movie marathon. Let's face it, what's better than cosying up on the sofa watching chick flicks and comedies and eating a load of crap? That's what I thought.

To finish off I just need to tell you all how much I am LOVING All The Bright Places by Jennifer Niven.. I can't put it down! I have almost finished it now after spending most my week reading it (when I've had chance) and I can't wait to share a review with you.

I feel like my blog has made amazing progress this week and I want to thank every one who has read my posts, commented or followed me on bloglovin! I have just set up a twitter account so that I could have one directly related to my blog and beauty! Follow me here @shelbyblogx

Lots of love,


  1. I loved this post. First because you were eating M&M's and those are my absolutely favourite chocolates ever. I can't resist it. Second, because you're sharing such an important thing with your family.

    I think it's so important to share what you love and your passion with important people in your life. Personally, I've already told everyone as I think it makes everything so much easier as well.

    And hey, you're broke right now but it's for a good reason and I know you're going to absolutely love your holiday with your boyfriend so you have something to look forward to, so that's a good thing.

    And I'm really happy that you've made such good progress with your blog and it makes you happy.

    Ella Pinto xx

  2. Good to hear the feedback on the book! I've been looking for something new to read! Thanks for sharing :)

    1. No problem! I've almost finished it and will be writing a full review so be sure to check back soon! Xx
